Helga Myhr’s debut album as a soloist, Natten veller seg ut, was released on Motvind records in October 2019. On the album we can listen to Myhr’s experimental interpretations of folk music from her home region, Hallingdal. Myhr focuses on different creative modes of expression that arise when you enter the musical material of a tradition and open your ears to improvisation and experimental music. Myhr often uses both the fiddle and song at the same time, and in this way brings forth the special and challenging interplay emerging when one person plays and sings at the same time.

Tuva Syvertsen, that has worked with Myhr for a long time, has prodused this record. Syvertsen is a vital influencer on both the broad and the narrow folk music scene, and has done her part in making this record both sometimes kick us in the foot, and sometimes stroke us over our heads. Audun Strype, one of the most experienced producers in the Norwegian record business, has once again entered a project with all of his knowledge and creativity.

Natten veller seg ut was nominated for Norwegian Grammy Awards (Spellemannsprisen 2019) for Folk Music/ Traditional Music.

«Helga Myhr’s crystal clear traditional song alternates between being supported by minimalistic meditations and improvisation over rhythms with a distinct footprint in the heritage from traditional folk dance. (...) The interaction between the fiddle and the hymns has a stroke of respect in the overtone singing. Still it is not the popular religiousness that strikes you the most. It is the well-formed spiritual power of the (art) music.”
- Aslaug Olette Klausen, 14 October 2019, Klassekampen

«Helga Myhr seeks out the more contemplative expressions within folk music. (…) The contrast between light and dark are also expressed in music through the interplay and contrasts between the clear and relaxed singing voice and the more complex and occasionally intense fiddle play.”
- Sigbjørn Apeland, 18 October 2019, Dag og Tid

Buy CD and VINYL here

Buy CD and vinyl here